What is great in calling a spade a spade, say something metaphoric so that people rack their brains before they understand that you are talking about a spade.

December Evening - A Mouth and Brain Drama

>> Thursday, December 31, 2009

Note: I would recommend you to read the short intro at, An Introduction, before you read this post

December never failed me, it never fails me and it would never fail me. For those of you who think I am dramatizing I should love to remind that drama is a literary form though seldom used now. And with those of you who accuse me of excessive December dramatization I beg to differ.Simply put I love December and it loves me , it is my first perpetual love perhaps. I apologize my beloved but I certainly cannot take my words back about December.
Enough is enough. What makes me go crazy? What makes me think like this? Hmm... I had a wonderful day. First a very pleasant weekend meeting which ended on an encouraging note, it could have very well ended up being otherwise. Then a party - call it a new year party, birth day party or a kitty party- never mind but the fact is I was fed for free :) thanks to the sponsors! I know people would be gearing up with vengeance to devour me and my pocket with a fierce glee for all I have said and done today but that is a story for another day. But Sree doesn't back off guys up for it any day.
Something exalted me to an excited state and held me there. Was it just the free lunch, na or was it the taste of the food again naaa (this time a bigger naa). I eat food every day and almost I relish every morsel of it. Yes, I think I am close this time it must be the ambiance, "Periya" ambiance( frens pardon me if I have messed up with the word "big" in Tamil I used it for nativity's sake ;) ) it neither was moonlit nor was chrome light lit, it was a luncheon in broad daylight and of course like every other hotel it had a couple of chandeliers, I did not get a chance to notice if they were lit at all as I was busy, busy firstly with food and secondly with pulling people's legs I do not mean literally as I did not get a chance to get under the table. Then what ?I am cogitating, I am searching my brain hem and haw...
If I were excited, if ever my heart skipped a beat out of excitement how, how on earth should my brain know why my heart skipped a beat? But it should know that is how it has to be. And, don't ask me why, Q & A session ends here read on if you want to know why.

My mouth asked my brain did we? did we analyze why this heart skipped several beats today?
BRAIN( designed to be DUMB) : Sir it could be that Heart is handling huge traffic...
MOUTH(Born to barge and blabber) : So ?
BRAIN: Sir so it could be a capacity issue or it could be that it is built on an old technology.
MOUTH: What bullshit is this ? Heart is designed to handle huge traffic and you brainless Brain- what old technology? Heart is always built on one technology.
BRAIN: Oh! Sorry Sir I never knew it.
Mouth: You better know it, now get back to work and tell me why this fellow is jumping up and down before EOD.
BRAIN: Ok Sir! (acting cheerful as if it were the most pleasant job it ever did).
Now the brain is musing what am I supposed to do - it was clueless - should I go back and ask the Mouth what I should do? No No, the Mouth is mad enough to slash the Brain into two but is generous enough to parcel the first part of it to it's family and the second half to the London museum where it would be displayed right beside Ramanujam's cerebral remains to showcase the theory of antithesis( I mean the exact opposites). This is true, last time during an issue with the Stomach Mouth has promised the Brain exactly this and it in fact is waiting for a delivery slippage. Brain is kind of scared. Forget about the party night tonight now it is a seeming possibility that it would not see the dawn of the new year. Brain tried to fight back its tears, thoughts of its girl friend seeped in and a couple of saline water drops followed the thoughts, Brain wiped them away with the back of its hand. Brain made up its mind, I meant it made up itself to see the new year with its girl friend. Suddenly the thought of its girl friend gave it a superb idea, after all girlfriends are useful. I appreciate the Brain for doing a good R&D but who am I to appreciate, The mouth is walking into the corridor, it has turned the corner.
MOUTH: Brain, Where are we on the issue. ?
BRAIN( it was stammering) : SSSSSir...
MOUTH: Did we make any progress with the analysis?
BRAIN( it was shivering with fear) : Sir, I habe, I Hape, I has, I, I..
MOUTH: What I ? Bulls Eye ? I think time has come to fulfill my promise, Secretary get me a pocket knife and two envelopes, 1 local , 1 international. I want to parcel this bloody Brain.
SECRETARY: Sir we do not have local and international in envelopes, and if you mean international parcel we do not have enough budget to accommodate in our bandwidth..
BRAIN( again stammering): Sir, I Nailed...
Brains were never made to speak, if only they could... hmm.
SECRETARY: And, I could get a blade if you want instead of a pocket knife.
MOUTH( not paying attention to Brain now): WTF, use your December month's salary for getting this equipment or cost cutting would begin right now with your job.
SECRETARY: SSSir, would it be reimbursed?
MOUTH: Don't ask me all that, if you are not with the idea put your papers right now or you are fired..
BRAIN( finally managing to break in ): Sir I have done the analysis and the issue is not with us.
MOUTH: What do you mean? You better be right or it would be two under the wheels of cost cutting.
BRAIN: Sir, Sree went to a lunch today and ...
MOUTH( with the bad habit of never letting others complete): I know I went along with him and he appreciated me for helping him gulp huge morsels of food down the throat. 28 th appreciation this month I missed two owing to the stupid stomach which could not digest what I swallowed and...
Mouth stops to take a short breath and Brain plunges in
BRAIN: Sree's girl friend was there at the lunch and we noticed similar heart skipping phenomenon when she was around in the past.
MOUTH( relenting a little ): But, but the heart skips a beat whenever there is a beautiful input from the eyes.
Then Mouth passes a moment willing to discuss.
BRAIN( grabs the opportunity): Sir the one we noticed today is constant beat by beat skipping but in all other cases Heart skips a single beat.
Mouth: Hmm.
BRAIN( trying to sound confident): And have a look at this excel sheet Sir, notice the patterns it agrees with our analysis.
MOUTH: But we had a similar anomaly when eyes scanned that beautiful gal whose cheeks redden when she smiles... and look this is the item I was talking about.
BRAIN ( trying to be diplomatic and not hurting the Boss's ego): Agreed Sir, but out of 2 million odd occurrences since Sree's birth this is one of occurrence and this aberration happened only once that too the first time Sree saw her and never again.Interestingly Sree was hospitalised on that very evening with bruises and external injuries which carried a hint of domestic violence.
MOUTH: Yeah, I reported this issue when Sree's girl friend was around and what a terrible day f we had I remember all the Front End applications were beaten to pulp that day and Sree could not take any input for whole of a week.
BRAIN: Then on the number of single beat skips have reduced drastically and I heard everybody say that the credit goes to you.
MOUTH( with all humbleness): Yeah! but not without damage, you see a serious cut on my upper lip don't you.
BRAIN( to impress his boss): War Marks, Yes Sir it is quite perceptible.
MOUTH( impressed) : My application was the first and worst targeted! It was after this incident we recruited you for filtering harmful "DATA" and generating reports to avoid such incidents.
BRAIN( To hell with excel sheet): I feel privileged, I will do my best.
MOUTH( feeling proud) : Of Course it is I who recommended you for this job of providing me with safe inputs to otput. We have to process information properly when Sree's girl friend is around.
BRAIN( happy with himself): Yes Sir we would.
MOUTH: Good! Enough for a day go and enjoy this new year eve...
BRAIN( starts before Mouth completes, often bad habits are contagious): Thank you sir.
Mouth: And do not forget to take your production mobile with you, SEV1s are imminent today as we expect Sree to dine out with his girl friend . "Traffic" is huge and you never know with this Heart. If that happens I have to report it and I need you to prepare that report. If anything goes wrong "we" will not have food to chew and hospitals would be real full on a new year eve.
Brain wonders why Mouths can't stay shut and answers itself that if not for this very Mouth it would have been still unemployed. ( No money, No girl friend, No party, So SAD!)
BRAIN( says to himself My foot, Food crazy bugger): Yes sir I would take the mobile with me.

Root cause of the excitement was... err, Yes my girlfriend came along to the lunch and I fled early from the office with her to exclaim how splendid this December Evening was! It was a splendid evening indeed - sea breeze, dusky twilight, wide roads, passion bike and a jolly ride to dine right beneath the full moon lit night sky.
I love you December Evening. And, I love you... the name does not need a mention I suppose ;).


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