What is great in calling a spade a spade, say something metaphoric so that people rack their brains before they understand that you are talking about a spade.

Vanilla Victimization. Clandestine Begins - Part 1

>> Monday, November 15, 2010

Whatever happened to me, I became an infrequent visitor to my own blog. Before today, September 19th was the only time I attempted to key in something here though in vain. I failed that day, rather miserably, to articulate my emotions and thoughts and as a consequence this space ran barren for a two month period. So what was it that challenged my expression. Was it a Shakespeare's drama or Wordsworth's verse that denied my blog what was due to it. I would say neither, but it is inferior compared to either.
My pet project, CLANDESTINE, that started during my graduation got sign-off from all the stakeholders and it is all set to 'Go Live' in December. This was a small, zero budget, two member team project to begin with. Project was small but stakes involved were huge right from the very first day. Though the dimensions of the project like budget( mostly self-financing at later stages), deadlines and sizing changed over time what remained constant throughout was its core team members and the stakes. None of the stakeholders were informed about the project inception. If they had known, the project would have been forcefully scrapped in the requirement phase due to lots of negative vibes. The decision to keep the stakeholders unaware till the system was stable and ready for UAT( User Acceptance Testing or simply Acceptance Testing) stemmed from the fact that stakeholders always wanted the project to be done in a risk free Vanilla J2EE fashion.
The problem with the Vanilla applications is they are dull, boring, uninteresting and utterly dysfunctional from inside but screamingly good from outside.I call this VANILLA VICTIMIZATION.Sometimes the condition of Vanilla victims degenerates into an acute and chronic state where in a victim becomes a maniac and this condition is called VANILLA SYNDROME. These Vanilla maniacs have a singular, fatalistic goal of victimizing the world with Vanilla affect. And in this state the maniacs are as much a disservice to themselves as to people around which they never realize.Well-informed of this age old, dreadful phenomenon- VANILLA VICTIMIZATION and its after affects - our team wanted to implement an advanced cross-platform integration solution. Cross-platform solutions never fit the bill, smoothly, for most of the Indian clientele, and in particular our clients spend sleepless nights at the very thought of a simple integration solution.God save CLANDESTINE and its team. To the readers: If a term called m-a-r-k-e-t-i-n-g tries to show up even remotely in your head, let me tell you these clients of mine buy no gold if they perceive it as crap. Since you got the context right let us move ahead.
As the SIT(System Integration Testing) dates neared, we were excited,restless and tensed. More often than not, the thought of few more months to UAT and then the glow sign board "lived happily ever after", made us ecstatic. Every project has its share of people who wish its failure and ours being a college project had a bunch of them. I would call them the Vanilla Maniacs or the VM team. I pity them. Their only problem was they were VVs and they wanted the world to be full of VVs.I troubled these VVs enough on all possible occasions and never gave them a chance to retort except for this. They pounced to clutch this opportunity in two hands and needless to say the Vanilla maniacs blew the whistle as hard as a PT teacher who runs after a troublesome student to peal his skin off. The whistle sound set my parents ears agog and the project CLANDESTINE remained no longer clandestine. Everything was wide in open. The project stakeholders themselves being advocates of Vanilla Victimization gave in readily to the VMs word and tug-of war began. With Stakeholders trying to convince the team members to drop the project and in turn team members pleading the stakeholders to accept the already half completed CLANDESTINE, the project entered UAT even before it entered SIT.
Continued in ..
Information Parasitism. Clandestine GoLive - Part2
Have a look at the APPENDIX if there is a word that you do not understand.


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