What is great in calling a spade a spade, say something metaphoric so that people rack their brains before they understand that you are talking about a spade.

Another attempt on a December Evening

>> Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This is my third attempt to maintain a blog in my life. The first was when I was a 16 year old - it was during my pre-university days; the second was sometime during/ after my engineering. Needless to say, first and the second ventures at blogging were a failure.
Briefly, the first blog, in fact a diary, has fewer than 30 entries starting with 1st of January that year and ending well before the end of February that year- and of course not without missing entries and vacant pages in between. But well, again the diary, till date, treasures some of the best moments from my adolescent life. And if you are not well past your primes, by now you must have gotten it correctly - it does have the ravings of a teenager 'crush'ed.
The second is still on the net - it does not carry anything significant. All it has a couple of really long book reviews.
Done with the past, Why I had to name my blog December Evenings? Hmm this "why" has to wait till tomorrow.


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