December Evenings - The color of twilight
>> Monday, December 28, 2009
Days are, dawns and dusks, and dusks and dawns.
The days turn weeks and weeks turn months,
then I hear you sing and see you dance.
Is that you my December, I believe this not at once.
Here comes thou and there goes my plight.
December, did you bring the orange twilight?
did you bring that chilly night?
Tell me December, don't make me blight.
Oh! My boy,
Here is my dusky twilight.
Here is my breezy night.
Here I brought them for your delight,
Now, here they are in your sight.
Oh! December, this time this year,
ask the twilight to paint me layer upon layer,
ask the night to dry me layer by layer,
for these blues should last an year.
Be not in a hurry oh! Son,
This is the color of autumn,
these are the days of year bottom,
and this is the breeze of fall beyond fathom,
wait till you hear the spring's anthem.
December, my love
your color is the color I love,
your breeze is the breeze I love.
your light of twilight is what I love,
And the chill of your night is what I love.
Deny me not your hug December,
Drive me not from your warmth December.
I live for your autumn ambers,
I will not wait for your dying embers.
Oh! December twilight,
with your feathers of flight,
paint my son in the hues of light .
Oh! December night
forget not to dry his hues of light
in your breeze every night.
I will long to see you son,
as you would wait to see me come.
These hues on you of December sun,
would make this year, for you and all, a joyful one.
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