Mouth meet Brain move - Ha Ha
>> Monday, January 4, 2010
Note: I would recommend you to read the short intro at, An Introduction, before you read this post
Mouths are born only to speak and Brains are born to be dumb. Mouths whenever they feel bored assemble the Brains for a meeting. Brains, though least interested in the meetings cannot voice their concern because firstly because they are dumb and secondly they are afraid that they will be denied food which comes into the body through Mouths.There might be many questions here, like, can the Mouths really stop food from reaching the Brains? Brains argue yes because Mouths can refuse to take any food, but little they know that if this happens the body dies and brainy brains are always transplanted to another body and in exceptional cases can become display pieces in museums. Brains find it difficult to digest the thought of moving to another body, and they say they are loyal to the body and cannot move out of it which has given them food for so long. But there are brains which really move out into another body. We are not interested in Brain-Body relationship so let us leave it and go to the Brain and Mouth encounters.
Coming back to the meetings now.
Mouths call for meetings and disturb the functioning Brains. In these encounters Mouths talk about every incident in the name of updates. They gather irrelevant pieces of information and make it more irrelevant. Brains get bored in the due course and doze off to sleep in the middle of such encounters. To wake up the Brains one dynamic Mouth cracks a banal joke which reeks like a fermented banana peel. The other Mouths laugh their guts out for the 10th time in ten consecutive meetings because Mouths do not have storage to store information and every day they are as fresh as day one. But poor brains they know that they have been listening to the same joke for over a decade now and give a smirk of these-fellows-never-change. This smirk is considered a mark of success and Mouths go on and on till his wagging tongue goes dry. One mouth goes dry and the other begins. This goes on and on till the neighborhood is as dry as a desert with not a drop of water.
After all this "drunken" ( I meant water drunk) ramblings, the Brains are asked to ask questions. Can they? There will be a blessed few which could. And, when Brains ask questions they are bound to be logical, because logic is what Brains thrive on. Mouths dodge the questions with tact, they use all their proficiency and come up with the words like " not at this point of time", "we can take this up offline", " we are considering this ", " we do not have sufficient information". When a question shoots up that cannot be shot down with any of these phrases the true nature of the Mouths come out. The guarded diplomacy degrades into phrases of "If I buy a dog who wears the collar", " If I employ a driver who decides the salary", " If I stop eating who will suffer".
Brains understand and record for the umpteenth time that "Mouths are like this", and some go ahead and wish for a transplant - a change into another body. A simple meeting has its hazardous consequences which Mouths will never understand, will they? Now I hope you understood the title!!!
"Mouths call for meetings and disturb the functioning Brains. In these encounters Mouths talk about every incident in the name of updates. They gather irrelevant pieces of information and make it more irrelevant. Brains get bored in the due course and doze off to sleep in the middle of such encounters." Really true...
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