What is great in calling a spade a spade, say something metaphoric so that people rack their brains before they understand that you are talking about a spade.

My opinion about "opinion"

>> Thursday, January 14, 2010

World is impressionistic , i mean ,it is made of opinions.Opinion is as sticky as an overused bubble gum.People have opinions which in turn make people, build them and assess them.And this is a vicious cycle where in it opinion sticks and stinks the world all over.
Don't believe me ? i will tell u how.
Success and failure are relative agreed ?? percentile is something that measures life, is it not the case?If some one throws a compliment you are elated and if the same someone belittles you ,you are deflated.Does it starts at school?No, much earlier than that with parents and continues all along through to the "final destination".You are victimized by an opinion and your opinions victimize many more in the process of living.
A child tries to please his parents, as a student one tries to meet the benchmark set by the teachers; as a consort- the demands of the better half;as a follower- the goals envisioned by the leader; and as a leader- the expectations of the followers, failing to meet which one is "opined" a failure. Remember one is "opined"/"termed" as a failure .
Why ,in any case, why should one be made a victim of a silly,sick, insignificant and some of the times a pessimistic emotional consequence - called an opinion?
And believe me opinions are farce illusions and are good for nothing.They mean don't measure up to us we will rate u bad ; "please us ,flatter us ,lick ... us ,....us... to be called a successful man"
No wonder greatest of the artists and scientists who acted against the inertia of the society were condemned in their life time only to be commended by the next generation..
PS:Perception is an individual problem please don't make this a global one by sticking a useless opinion on anyone's head who happens to meet u by a chance called life.


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