What is great in calling a spade a spade, say something metaphoric so that people rack their brains before they understand that you are talking about a spade.

Catch 22 - My Story

>> Sunday, January 10, 2010

THE catch in THE CATCH-22, Yeah it is a part of my story!

Can there be anything Subjective without any covert or overt objective? Could there be anything that is devoid of human perception and emotion? Bull's eye- can words mirror the thoughts without any distortions? I know the answer would be resonating NO's in succession and as a consequence I take a tangent and end up arguing that right - wrong are majority-minority stands in the stated order .
Oh!!! yes coming back to the point where I took a tangent, i have a colored perception about myself- which will very well differ from everyone else. Nevertheless here I embark on the 'serious-est' mission of putting the 'serious-est' thoughts in this space and
Here we go for the Roller-Coaster...
I dance down the memory lane,in my mind's eye, over the heaped sands of time into the labyrinths of thoughts.
Lo!!! nostalgia it is.
A blinding storm at rim of the eye clears the dunes,
And what remains is my evocative past.
My present,I am stuck here for ever, is an ephemeral eternity between the past and the future.
I think of the past when depressed and dream about my future when elated.
I ride the tide or hit the rocks.
I love it or I hate it.
I do it or I don't.
I am the best or I am ...
Everything with me is an either or.
Yes, I am true comp. science grad.
For me life is binary , a big 1 or a big 0 - for sure nothing in between.
I am a rational thinker and a lazy rascal.
Biologically speaking my brain works in tandem and rest of the organs answer need of the hour.
And also,
I am a staunch devotee of art who believes that artists should be left alone to all their weirdness.Leave them for what they are and time will reflect their sanity in tomorrow's society, else hang them today only to realize the gravity of their ideologies tomorrow,to formulate scientific theories with their ideas the day after and to worship their idols ever after.
Are you bored reading my profile? Don't complain- it is a perception. Are you entertained? - don't bother me- it is again a perception.
You mind it or you do not mind, either way i am not minding what ever you are minding.
Ha Ha; I hope you got the catch ...
The Catch in THE CATCH-22.


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