New year - Resolution Time
>> Friday, January 1, 2010
I have many thoughts coming into my mind when I drive, when I eat and when I do everything else but when, just when I sit down to put these thoughts on paper they evaporate and I turn blank. Nevertheless I will not relent from updating my blog any day - Resolution Number 1.
I will try and stop being satirical( when not needed :) ) - Resolution number 2.
I will be more responsible than yesterday- Number 3.
And after that I think I am perfect, so naturally the list of resolutions should end here but it does not because I suddenly see a worm beneath the veneer of perfection. I stare at it but it does not move. I put my finger through and tickle it, it does not stir. The worm looks dead and I start celebrating my perfection but now I see ripples in my perfection. The worm raises its dirty head and wags it tail. The worm of laziness has been spoiling my party and it did that again.
This wretch makes me sleep for long hours, makes me skip bath and breakfast, sometimes diseases me into procrastination, fails me at being regular with medication and worse forces me to be rash on roads putting me in mortal danger. It is time I strangle this worm to death and this should top the list of resolutions. The only way of ever doing this, I realize, is being determined and regular.
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